시청역 헬스장 겟투잇 피트니스 1:1 PT 2차 리뷰 (하체운동/상체운동)

안녕하세요 진아잉 ღゝ◡╹)no♡ 시청과 광화문, 서대문에서 가까운 겟투잇 피트니스 PT 2회 후기를 남겨볼까 합니다.
용시청역PT, 서대문역PT 겟투잇 피트니스!

겟투잇 피트니스 서울시 중구 서소문로 89-31 지하1층, 지하2층

시청역 10번출구 근처 겟투잇 피트니스!
건물 지하에 있어요.

지하 1층에 입장할 수 있으며, 이곳에는 웨이트 운동기구가 있습니다.
지하 2층에는 유산소 운동기구가 있어요!
라커룸은 남자, 여자가 따로 있고, 헬스장에서 입을 운동복은 사이즈별로 준비되어 있어요. 사람이 없을 때 찍은 여자 탈의실 내부!
넓고 쾌적해서 운동하고 샤워하기 좋아요. 헬스장 샤워실이 잘 관리되지 않으면 땀 냄새가 나고 위생적이지 않은 곳이 많습니다.
잇피트니스가 잘 관리되고 있다는 걸 확실히 보여주네요 ㅎㅎ PT 첫날 전체적인 몸 상태를 확인해야 해서 인바디 테스트를 했는데요. 부끄러워서 사진첨부 안했어요^_^.. 그런데 칭찬받았어요. 헤헤. 실제 PT수업 전 몸상태를 체크해봤습니다.
김문수 트레이너님께 받았습니다.
어깨와 팔의 움직임 범위를 보시고 자세히 설명해주셔서 잘 이해되고 좋았어요. 체육에 대한 지식이 많은 것 같습니다.
첫날은 주로 하체운동을 했기 때문에 스쿼트, 레그 익스텐션, 힙 스러스트 장비를 시도해봤습니다.
얼마나 힘을 써야 하는지, 장비마다 어떻게 자세를 유지해야 하는지 세심하게 체크해주셔서 한 번만 동작을 해도 너무 힘들었습니다.
그런데 운동이 너무 힘들었어요. 모든 일이 잘 되고 있는 것 같아서 완전 만족했어요 >_< It was nice that the gym was very spacious, but it's very uncomfortable to have equipment all close together in a small gym. With Get2It Fitness, you have absolutely zero worries about that!
In the 2nd pt, I took the time to do a lat pulldown video.. hahahahaha Before starting the exercise, I started by warming up while checking muscle use and movement with a band. Yong Wai Raise Wai Low!
But it was so funny that I passed on the picture... He explained the lat pulldown briefly at first, and after I tried it, he told me what I was doing wrong. I opened my chest and tried to keep my ears and shoulders away from each other, so I got better stimulation. There are many different grips for each grip. The desired stimulation area. I did the exercise accordingly, and City Draw City Draw completely corrected the part I was missing when I exercised alone. Since I thought I was pushing with my elbows, it definitely didn't put any strain on my wrists, and it was easy to fold my wing bones. If it weren't for the trainer, I would have felt this way for the rest of my life. You must have done the wrong exercise on your own without knowing it..? I think you need personal training when it comes to exercise. Learning it right from the beginning is the secret to getting healthier faster ^^ Chest press!
I've tried chest press and shoulder press, but you have to raise your palm in the direction of the push to move your wrist. It didn't go away. Be careful if your wrist hurts while lifting weights. It's not just a pushing exercise. Even if the direction is slightly different, the effect of the exercise is clearly different, so it was great to learn and start properly. Aerobic zone on the 2nd basement floor. Also visited haha ​​I don't like cardio... but I have to do it often. It's very spacious and there are 2 stairs to heaven, so it's perfect for cardio >_